Natural drain cleanser hair dissolver
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Natural drain cleanser hair dissolver

Clogged drains may start as minor issues but can quickly become slow water drainage, flooding, and in extreme cases, sewage backup. Down below, there is a guide on how to create a natural drain cleanser hair dissolver.

We can all agree that there is nothing more triggering than realizing that the water level has crept up to the ankles while you are in the shower drain or a clogged bathroom sink.

Even though you try to avoid hair going down to the drains, it is inevitable. Nevertheless, the use of household ingredients is handy and gets you out of problems right away. You can also use these DIY mixes to clean any clogged drain from hair clog or junk.

4 Ways to Clean Hair Out of the Drain

ways to clean hair out of drain

Hair gets stuck in the drain when the insides of the pipes become coated with soap, grease, or oil. When hair flows down, the coating is thick, so hair clogs.

Instead of reaching for chemicals right away, use these recommended natural drain cleanser hair dissolvers to fix that drain clogged and get rid of hairy balls from the pipes. Combining baking soda and vinegar is a great natural alternative to dissolve hair clog without harsh chemicals.

However, sometimes the clog is so strong and stubborn that chemical options would be the only option left.

Baking Soda Method

Sodium bicarbonate can be one of the most effective products for cleaning and disinfecting to fight odor, bacteria, and fungi. This method separates into two parts: baking soda and lemon juice, and baking soda combined with salt.

  • Baking soda + lemon juice: Pour 1/2 cup baking soda, followed by 1/2 cup lemon juice, down the drain. Plug the drain and let sit for one hour. Finish with a pot of boiling water.
  • Baking soda + salt: Mix 1/2 cup table salt and 1/2 cup baking soda together, pour down, drain. Let sit for about 30 minutes (or overnight if it’s a tough clog), and followed by a pot of boiling water.

Hair Snake

While hair snakes don’t remove all the hair, it helps you to prevent any further damage. Just insert it into the drain, twist, and pull.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Pour one cup baking soda, followed by one cup vinegar, down the drain. Plug the drain and let sit for one hour. Then, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. Repeat if necessary.

The most significant benefit of these two components is that they remove all types of dirt and bacteria due to their absorbent properties. If that were not enough, they act as a disinfectant and an excellent facilitator to remove clogged drain hair.


An auger is another simple solution for trickier drains and maybe one of the most effective at clearing stubborn hair clogs.

  1. Push the snake down the drain until you reach the hair clog.
  2. Turn the handle to pull the snake and clog up.
  3. Test the drain by running water to make sure the drain is clear.
  4. Repeat if necessary.

By its structure, it is almost impossible for drains not to clog. For example, hair can bind with grease and other sticky substances to form clogs. Therefore, the best way to deal with hair blockages is to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Organic or Chemical Drain Cleanser?

organic vs chemical drain cleanser

The difference between these two categories refers to the active ingredients in the drain cleaner that dissolve or break up clogs. An organic is enzyme-based and utilizes bacteria to break down organic proteins, including hair. They don’t contain as harsh chemicals and are less corrosive than chemical cleaners. Also, chemical drain cleaners could eventually damage the plumbing if used frequently or in large amounts.

An organic cleaner is enzyme-based and utilizes bacteria to break down organic proteins, including hair. They don’t contain as harsh chemicals and are less corrosive than chemical cleaners. Also, chemical drain cleaners could eventually damage the plumbing if used frequently or in large amounts.

Do Chemical Cleaners Harm Your Pipes?

Consider using chemical acid cleansers; they will not harm your pipes as they remove the dirt and gunk inside the tube’s lining.

Does Coca-Cola Dissolve Hair?

does coca-cola dissolve hair

No, not even Coca-Cola or Pepsi dissolves hair. However, they can help remove any gunk that may hold onto the hair in the drain. These drinks contain phosphoric acid that dissolves buildups.

Tips to Prevent Hair-clogged Shower Drains

  • As you shave in the shower, make sure to keep the water running during the entire process to ensure small hair doesn’t stick through the pipes.
  • Brush or comb your hair away from the drain and dispose of it properly.
  • Use a drain cover to prevent hairs from getting into the drain.
  • Run hot water at least once a month as a preventive measure. Hot water minimizes clogs as it loosens the dirt.
  • Avoid using bleach to clean your pipes. 

Causes and Fixes of Mildew Smell in the Shower Drains

The shower drain can have all sorts of disgusting smells. The most prevalent smell is the musty type, also known as a mildew odor. From a musty scent to the stench of rotten eggs, this problem can occur due to stale and stagnant water and accumulated soap scum.

Usually, the drain would smell of mildew if actual mold or mildew is growing in your shower drain. This unpleasant smell could also be present in your bathroom sink, tub, or adjacent toilet.

Causes of Mildew Smell

  • Clogged drains:  A blocked pipe leads to a contaminated drain with the best growth conditions for mold and mildew spores. If the damp conditions aren’t dealt with soon enough, you will see the mold appear sooner rather than later.
  • Mildew in the plumbing system: Mold may not be present when the scent emits from the quick drain. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean there isn’t mold growing somewhere.

How To Get Rid of Mildew Smell

As for hair clogs, you can get rid of the mildew smell by using special tools.

One of the most effective ways to clear a clogged drain is using a toilet plunger or a drain snake to get rid of any obstructions in the shower drain. Fill up water in the shower and plunge or use the auger to either remove or push away the dirt. That way, you can see inside the drain to ensure it’s clear. If you wish to learn more techniques on getting rid of foul drain smells, check out our other guide.

No matter the situation, if you need some professional assistance instead of a natural drain cleanser hair dissolver, we will be glad to help.

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